Am I being too demanding on myself or am I zen like Buddha?

Get clear which type you are within 5 minutes + valuable advice.

Getting started

Am I being too demanding on myself or am I zen like Buddha?

Get clear which type you are within 5 minutes + valuable advice.

Since I start working with Carla, my whole life changed. I was always working so hard (I work with the highest law firm in Sweden) and my standards were so high. Now I learned to take care of myself and I am feeling so so much better. In every aspect of my life.

Start free self-scan

Since I start working with Carla, my whole life changed. I was always working so hard (I work with the highest law firm in Sweden) and my standards were so high. Now I learned to take care of myself and I am feeling so so much better. In every aspect of my life.

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Free yourself, go within

Do you want to become fully empowered? Find out how in 'Free Yourself, Go Within'. This practical book offers concrete tools to come home to yourself again. Order now and start your journey to inner freedom!